How To Mine Turtlecoin (TRTL) with Your CPU?

What Is Turtlecoin (TRTL)?

Turtlecoin was built upon the groundwork laid by Bytecoin, a pioneer in the realm of digital currencies that prioritized user anonymity. Inspired by the desire to create a decentralized, open-source, peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency that prioritizes user privacy akin to Monero, Turtlecoin aims to cultivate a community-driven atmosphere similar to the welcoming spirit seen in Dogecoin communities. Turtlecoin’s main goal is to make the cryptocurrency journey easy and enjoyable for everyone, while still ensuring the security of user privacy.

The most interesting point about Turtlecoin is that it is a coin that you can easily mine with your system’s CPU. It is a Proof-of-Work coin that uses the CryptoNight hashing algorithm, designed to be especially CPU efficient and ASIC resistant. Hence, even the average miner with their consumer-grade hardware can mine the coin, thereby maintaining the network’s decentralization.

In this article, we’ll learn how to mine the TRTL coin, Turtlecoin’s main asset using just the CPU in your average computer system. Keep reading to learn how to setup your Turtlecoin wallet and mine TRTL coin on Windows or HiveOS!

How To Mine Turtlecoin?

Pick a Turtlecoin Wallet.

First, you need to pick a wallet. Then, on Turtlecoin’s official website, you can click the various links to download your wallet of choice. Turtlecoin supports Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and command-line interface (CLI) or Web-based wallets. Once you’ve downloaded and installed your wallet as well as finished setting up your wallet, you will then come across this something like this:

Turtlecoin Wallet.

Under the “Wallet” tab, you will get to see your transaction records with the date, the hash, the transaction amount, and the total balance of your wallet. Next, select “Receive”, and under this tab, you will see your “Receiving Address”, which you will need when mining Turtlecoin. You can copy the address now or wait until later when setting up your miner.

Your Receiving Address.

Once you complete the wallet setup, you can now look for a Turtlecoin mining pool. You can head on to any good mining pool website to look at the stats of various mining pools. Here, we are using MiningPoolStats, and the list of available mining pools is shown in the figure below. As an example, we will be using “”. If you want to try another pool, you can just get the pool’s address and change it.

Turtlecoin Mining Pools on MiningPoolStats.

You can click on “” to head to the information page, with all the parameters you need to start mining.

herominer Info.

In this example, we will be using XMRIG, one of the best miners for CPU mining. You will need to download XMRIG. Once it is ready, there are two ways for you to start mining Turtlecoin:

1. Mining via config.json on Windows

In this method, you will need the algorithm. In this case, the algorithm for herominer is “argon2/chukwav2”. Then, you will need the pool’s address. There are a few to choose from, but you should choose the one closest to your country of residence. On the other hand, you can opt for one that offers a lower latency. Once you have the pool address in mind, open up your config.JSON file.

The config.JSON file for mining on Windows.

In the config.JSON file, scroll down until you come across a section which designates your address, as shown in the figure below. When you are setting it up for the first time, it will have all the default values and information. You will need to change the algorithm under “algo”, the pool address to the one you chose under “URL”, and the address to your wallet’s address under “user”.

You can append your rig name after a period. For example, suppose your rig name is “RigOne”, then you should append “.RigOne” after your wallet address under “user”. You can also change your password under “pass” or just leave it as you like, which by default is just “x”.

Once you are down setting up the JSON file, you can just save and exit. This is optional, but you may also go into the JSON file’s properties and choose to “Run the program as an administrator” so that XMRIG will automatically be run with administrator privileges. Once you are done, you can just run XMRIG to see if everything works as intended.

The pool information in the config.JSON file.

If you are currently mining other coins and do not want to change the contents of the JSON file every time you switch coins, you may write a simple BAT file. For example, for Turtlecoin mining, the contents of the BAT file should be as follows:

xmrig.exe -a argon2/chukwav2 -o -u YOURWALLET.WORKERNAME -p x –threads=16

You should change the “a”, “o:”, and “YOUR WALLET.” WORKERNAME” to the correct information. Then, you can save the file as a BAT file, go into the BAT file’s properties, and choose to “Run the program as an administrator”.

2. Mining via HiveOS

In HiveOS, go to the “Wallets” tab and select “Add Wallet” to add your Turtlecoin wallet before you start mining. Then, search for Turtlecoin’s ticker, which is TRTL and click on it to start the setup.

HiveOS interface.

Then, you should input all the required information, which includes your wallet address and wallet name. Once everything is correctly filled in, you can click “Create” to create the wallet.

Creating the Turtlecoin wallet on HiveOS.

The next step is to make your Flight Sheet, which is basically the same as the JSON and BAT file we did above. In HiveOS, it is usually easier as the system typically has all of them as built-in features. Now, you will need to select the correct coin, wallet, and pool of your choice. Then, under “Miner”, you will need to choose XMRIG.

Creating the Turtlecon Flight Sheet.

Then, you should edit the miner configuration, as shown in the figure below. Ensure the hashing algorithm is correct and turn on the “CPU” for CPU mining.

The XMRIG configuration for mining Turtlecoin.

You can just opt for the provided example for the CPU configuration by clicking the “i” button and copying the given contents.

The provided example for the CPU configuration.

Once everything is correct, you can apply your changes. Then, you will need to select your rig, go to the “Flight Sheets” tab and choose your Turtlecoin flight sheet. Finally, you can start mining by clicking the Rocketship button.

The Turtlecoin Flight Sheet.

The mined coins can then be exchanged in various centralized exchanges, including MEXC Global, Hotbit, and CoinEx. Suppose you do not want to complete the Know Your Customer (KYC) verification and wish to remain anonymous. In that case, you can opt to exchange your TRTL coins on decentralized exchanges such as TradeOgre.

How To Mine TurtleCoin | Windows 10, Hive OS | CPU MINING

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